I lead regular classes, special workshops and offer private coaching. All my offerings are health-oriented, while inviting expressiveness and discovery.
Join me live in Europe, the U.S. or online. Or purchase one of several workshop video series, available to stream and download today.
Create smooth pathways for your body down to the floor and back up again. This requires the right motion at the joints, the use of the different masses of the body as both weights and motors, and creative practice.
The spine can be described as an engine, shifting to generate momentum and suggesting pathways for movement and support. This class focuses on honing the use of the spine while extending its influence to the shoulders and hips for a full-body, kinetic chorus.
Explore modulating the level of tension in your body within different movement patterns and postures. This ability allows you to move sequentially and fluidly, or to create dynamic stability, or to resist external forces.
How small can you fall? How big can you tumble? This technical class builds dynamic landings over time, focusing around skeletal joint articulation and alignment that spreads out impact forces. This class features technical references to the Axis Syllabus’ C-Star Sequence.
The default locomotion pattern we call “walking” contains within it myriad mechanical strategies that are utilized in other patterns, such as running and throwing. In this class we’ll break down the components of a healthy walk. Then we’ll expand to larger movement contexts and more complex sequences.
Fold, twist, arc and shift. The spiral is one of the most common and essential mechanical dynamics in the universe, including in your own body. We’ll harness spiral realities within our own flesh and map them onto external spatial geometries.
Practice utilizing the surfaces of the body to safely arrive on the floor and then depart swiftly and efficiently. Sequential body segment use will be explored; kinetic puzzles will be offered. This class features technical references to the Axis Syllabus’ Landing & Launching Pads.
Learn to dynamically transition between the primary human postures: lying down, sitting, standing, hanging. This class features technical references to the Axis Syllabus’ Activity Spheres.